16 Elected Officials Headed to D.C. to support I-10 Bridge Project

Since the beginning conversations surrounding the I-10 Bridge, it has been clear that the need for the Bridge and Bayway widening is not only local, but an issue on a regional and national level. As one unified voice, 16 elected officials from Mobile and Baldwin counties, along with ten business leaders and staff, plan to travel to Capitol Hill in support of the construction of the I-10 Bridge and to build a regional coalition for this effort.

On September 15th through September 17th, CAP will facilitate a Washington D.C. fly-in trip for Coastal Alabama’s leadership to discuss their concerns about any further delays of building the bridge and stress the importance of acquiring funding for the project to our nation’s elected body. The three day trip will include meetings with the Federal Highway Administration, Alabama’s senators, and congressmen in neighboring states affected by the I-10 congestion. This trip will mark the first time in history that elected officials on both sides of the Bay will travel to D.C. under one agenda.

“I am pleased with the momentum the project has right now, and I know that Coastal Alabama’s visit to Washington, DC, in September will only keep that momentum going. By bringing elected officials and community leaders from Baldwin and Mobile counties together, I believe the movement will have a much greater impact. I look forward to visiting with the delegation in September and continuing to work with them closely as the I-10 bridge project moves forward.” – Congressman Bradley Byrne (AL-1)

CAP is looking forward to working with our local officials as we prepare for this significant trip to our Nation’s capital. While in D.C., we’d love to keep you up to date on the activities through Facebook and Twitter. Make sure to follow us and like us!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Coastal-Alabama-Partnership/302157163223711

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Coastal_Alabama

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