NFIP Update
Prior to the holidays, FEMA announced the launch of the Interim Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate, which was required by the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act. The Interim Office will begin work on specialized assistance to citizens and policyholders on NFIP issues; as well as regional mapping outreach and education support. You can read more here.
Also, please be reminded that several provisions included in the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act will go into effect on April 1. Click here for a fact sheet from FEMA outlining changes.
CSFI 2015 Plans
As we look to the 2017 reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program, the Coalition for Sustainable Flood Insurance will spend 2015 meeting with regional and industry stakeholders individually to develop a white paper of permanent solutions for affordable flood insurance. Once this white paper is in draft form, the Coalition will begin to circulate it to the coalition members and key legislators, with the goal of hosting an in-person meeting in Washington in the second half of the year.
Update courtesy of the Coalition for Sustainable Flood Insurance