Wiley Blankenship Presenting to FL-AL Transportation Planning Organization

CAP builds regional support for I-10 Bridge project in Florida

CAP has secured the first resolution of support for the I-10 Bridge and Bayway Widening project outside the state of Alabama. On Wednesday, December 10th, Wiley Blankenship made a presentation on the project at the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (FATPO) in Milton, Florida. Due to Mr. Blankenship and CAP’s efforts, FATPO voted in favor of a resolution in support for the bridge project that morning.

CAP and the Build the I-10 Bridge Coalition would like to thank FATPO for their support. We are excited to be building partnerships for this project outside the region. CAP will continue its efforts in soliciting support from our sister states who are impacted by the lack of sufficient infrastructure along I-10.

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