Over 90 regional leaders gathered September 6th at GulfQuest Maritime Museum to learn about Coastal Alabama Partnership new membership program, Coastal 150. The goal of the program is to change the way our region engages with elected leaders in Montgomery and to have a greater impact on statewide policies and policy makers.
The need for such an organization was evident in a recent article, “Is the Alabama Political Base Shifting Northward?” According to Wiley Blankenship, President & CEO, “Alabama saw this first hand during the BP fine money distribution debate in the legislature and can see it even more when looking at how state funds continue to be prioritized. Coastal Alabama continues to contribute disproportionately more than is returned.”
Members of Coastal 150 will work together to identify leaders who understand the issues facing Coastal Alabama, who appreciate the economic impact the region has on the entire state and will work to extend coastal Alabama’s influence beyond those elected from Mobile and Baldwin counties. The 2018 election cycle is shaping up to be historic turn-over in both the State Senate and House Chambers with approximately 1/3 of the Alabama Senate being open seat races and two to three dozen House seats likely to be open races as well.
“It is time for Coastal Alabama to act! We must help our local delegation by creating a stronger and louder voice for Coastal Alabama. If we are going to work as a region to grow our impact within the state, we have to get to work,” said Bestor Ward, Vice Chairman, Coastal Alabama Partnership.
Coastal Alabama Partnership welcomes new members to join the effort. If we are going to work together, speak with one voice and increase coastal Alabama’s voice in Montgomery, we need your help. Contact Wiley Blankenship at wiley@coastalalabama.org to learn more and to get involved.