Coastal Alabama Partnership Supports Governor Ivey’s Rebuild Alabama Plan

Coastal Alabama Partnership announces its support of Governor Kay Ivey’s Rebuild Alabama Infrastructure Plan, specifically the call to provide funding support for the deepening and widening of the ship channel and increased access to the Port of Mobile, Alabama.

In support of the ship channel improvements, Coastal Alabama Partnership and its partners recently hosted over 60 members of the Alabama Legislature for the inaugural Alabama Coastal Region Economic Summit. The Summit provided informational sessions on the region’s contributions to the state’s economy and highlighted how improvements to the Port will provide economic benefits to the entire state.

“The Rebuild Alabama Plan addresses the state’s most critical infrastructure needs for roads, bridges and the Port. This is an investment in the future for our entire state. The Plan can transform the shipping channel and greatly expand the capacity of the Port to support Alabama businesses and jobs.”

Wiley Blankenship, President/CEO of Coastal Alabama Partnership.

Coastal Alabama Partnership recently released its 2019 Legislative Agenda that highlights six policy areas, including infrastructure needs for the Mobile and Baldwin county region. The Agenda supports the efforts of the nine economic development entities in Coastal Alabama representing over 4,700 businesses and nearly 150,000 employees region wide.

As a founding member of the Alliance for Alabama’s Infrastructure, a coalition focused on fixing Alabama’s infrastructure crisis by identifying financially-responsible investments, reforms and long-term solutions for Alabama’s transportation infrastructure and communicating this message to policy makers and the public.

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