I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for some good news! It’s been over two months since we started this journey and as we begin to ease our way back into our new reality, we thought it would be helpful to look for some silver linings!
Many colleges are beginning to look toward the Fall and project their plans for adapting to this new reality. The Chronicle of Higher Education is tracking 675 U.S. colleges and shows that 67% are currently planning for in-person classes.
Let’s go fishing!
In other good news, our Red Snapper fishing season opens tomorrow, May 22nd! The season will last 35 days with new, four-day weekends open for recreational fishing. For the full details, visit OutdoorAlabama.com. In more great news for our region, the CARES Act will provide $300 million to benefit coastal and marine fisheries.
Coastal Alabama Counts
It’s Census time and we don’t want to get left behind. Great job on increasing your response in the last few weeks! As the first congressional district, we are collectively at 54.6% response rate, yet we still trail the state overall which is at 57.9%. We challenge all of our partners to support and promote the census. It is imperative that we are represented, with billions of dollars on the line!
We encourage you to join Mayor Stimpson and Commissioner Ludgood this evening for the Mobile United 5:30 Forum focusing on the Census.
Lastly, I don’t know about you, but in our household, my kids are anxious to see their grandparents. This article from the New York Times provides some good suggestions on when and how to appropriately (and safely) visit older family members. From our team to yours, we hope you are staying safe and moving towards a return to some sense of normality.
Stay safe,