Mobile and Baldwin Counties—By the Numbers

Two counties border the Gulf Coast of Alabama—Baldwin and Mobile. Separately, each of the counties have unique attributes—one is anchored by one of the oldest cities in the country; the other has the largest land area of any county in the state. The economy of one depends on shipping and manufacturing; the economy of the other is based firmly in tourism. Together, the two counties wield powerful impact, as indicated by the numbers below.

Coastal Alabama statistics:

  •  #1 in Tourism—Coastal Alabama accounts for 1/3 of all travel spending in Alabama; direct tourism spending in the two counties totals some $3.2 billion per year.
  •  Heads in Beds—As the state’s leading tourist destination, the two coastal counties collect about $375 million in lodging revenues annually—36% of Alabama’s total.
  •  Desirable Place to Live—Nearly 608,000 people (13% of the state’s population) live in the region, making the combined Mobile and Baldwin metropolitan statistical areas (MSA) the second largest in Alabama.
  •  Quality of Life—Baldwin County’s quality of life index soars to 178% of the national average, among the highest in the world; Mobile hits 152—more than 50% higher than the national average.
  •  By Land—Baldwin is the state’s largest county in land area; together, the two cover about 2,830 square miles.
  •  By Sea—The shoreline stretches for 60 miles along the Gulf of Mexico in Baldwin and Mobile counties; the tidal shoreline bordering coastal bays, rivers and bayous covers another 600 miles.
  •  State coffers—12% of fuel tax ($62.5 million) generated for state coffers come from Mobile and Baldwin counties, as does nearly 16% of the state’s annual property tax collections.
  •  Valuable Assets—In net taxable assessed valuation (real, business personal and motor vehicle properties), Mobile County ranks 2nd and Baldwin 3rd in the state. Combined valuations total more than $8 billion, just slightly less than Jefferson County’s $8.1 billion total.


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